Our journey back to health was not easy but well worth it, yours can be too. There is always hope, it starts with the power of believing.

My name is name is Marta Zettle, and I am so grateful you are here. My daughter Katia Kozel and I started this company as a way to share our passion for healthy living with others.

Growing up in the Caribbean, with a very holistic mother, life was rather simple. Fermented mavi along with coconut water, still freshly in the coconut shell, and natural juices were easily found in small kiosks along the side of the road throughout the island. Taking advantage of our tropical climate, my parents grew their own variety of citruses including lemons, limes, key limes, and oranges. Avocados, mangos, bananas, plantain, guava, acerolas (a vitamin C super food) and pomegranates were among the other tropical fruits available in my back yard.

My mother valued natural healing properties and was always quick to force those methods onto her children. I will never forget the looks on my siblings faces when we were given fish oil at the slightest sign of a cold. If anyone had a cut or a burn fresh aloe vera gel was slathered on to sooth the wound and support healing. Drinking chamomile and other herbal teas, which I was not so crazy about as a child, is another example of the natural healing methods we practiced.
It took a move to Texas for me to appreciate just how healthy life had been on the island. After my first encounter with Mexican food I was hooked and slowly my healthy diet became polluted with the Standard American Diet (SAD). It took some years but this eventually caught up with me. After struggling with a severe “heart burn attack” a endoscopy revealed I had acid reflux and the Dr said I would need to take pills for the rest of my life.
This triggered the beginning of my journey back to health. While I have always had a passion for learning about nutrition, (my friends will testify to that, I sure hope I didn’t bore them too much) and over the years have read thousands of books and articles on the subject, it was this new pain that pushed me to learn even more. At the same time this was happening to me my youngest daughter was having issues with her health as well. As you can imagine my desire to use a healthy diet to restore our bodies grew and we later discovered my daughter had celiac disease. This discovery forced a permanent change on her life and mine.
As you read my blog you will learn more about our findings, my crazy experiments with cultured food and drinks, and most importantly our new way of supporting our health through a balanced diet, supplements, exercise, and spending time with God. I’ll be honest, it hasn’t been easy. There have been many times when I wanted to quit, but it has all proven worth the struggle. I truly love connecting with people and helping them find holistic ways to support their bodies, empowering people to take charge of their health, and discover their own unique answers to the issues they face. Doing this brings so much more joy than I ever thought possible. I can finally say I found my true calling in life.

My name is name is Marta Zettle, and I am so grateful you are here. My daughter Katia Kozel and I started this company as a way to share our passion for healthy living with others.

Growing up in the Caribbean, with a very holistic mother, life was rather simple. Fermented mavi along with coconut water, still freshly in the coconut shell, and natural juices were easily found in small kiosks along the side of the road throughout the island. Taking advantage of our tropical climate, my parents grew their own variety of citruses including lemons, limes, key limes, and oranges. Avocados, mangos, bananas, plantain, guava, acerolas (a vitamin C super food) and pomegranates were among the other tropical fruits available in my back yard.

My mother valued natural healing properties and was always quick to force those methods onto her children. I will never forget the looks on my siblings faces when we were given fish oil at the slightest sign of a cold. If anyone had a cut or a burn fresh aloe vera gel was slathered on to sooth the wound and support healing. Drinking chamomile and other herbal teas, which I was not so crazy about as a child, is another example of the natural healing methods we practiced.

It took a move to Texas for me to appreciate just how healthy life had been on the island. After my first encounter with Mexican food I was hooked and slowly my healthy diet became polluted with the Standard American Diet (SAD). It took some years but this eventually caught up with me. After struggling with a severe “heart burn attack” a endoscopy revealed I had acid reflux and the Dr said I would need to take pills for the rest of my life.

This triggered the beginning of my journey back to health. While I have always had a passion for learning about nutrition, (my friends will testify to that, I sure hope I didn’t bore them too much) and over the years have read thousands of books and articles on the subject, it was this new pain that pushed me to learn even more. At the same time this was happening to me my youngest daughter was having issues with her health as well. As you can imagine my desire to use a healthy diet to restore our bodies grew and we later discovered my daughter had celiac disease. This discovery forced a permanent change on her life and mine.

As you read my blog you will learn more about our findings, my crazy experiments with cultured food and drinks, and most importantly our new way of supporting our health through a balanced diet, supplements, exercise, and spending time with God. I’ll be honest, it hasn’t been easy. There have been many times when I wanted to quit, but it has all proven worth the struggle. I truly love connecting with people and helping them find holistic ways to support their bodies, empowering people to take charge of their health, and discover their own unique answers to the issues they face. Doing this brings so much more joy than I ever thought possible. I can finally say I found my true calling in life.


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